I'm Tom
I have various mental health issues and am passionate to break down the walls of mental health stigma.
In my darkest days I felt as if I was the only person experiencing mental health issues. I thought my career was over; I was stamped with a label negating who I was and what I was about.
My intentions are simple - that no single person go though the deathly torment I went through in the early days of pre-diagnosis. I want you to have ready access to help; a platform for self-help, support, motivation and inspiration.
Survived multiple suicide attempts
Formally diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, PTSD and Social Anxiety Disorder
Founded Mental Health Runner
Delivered my talk on The Fight For Survival In The War Against Yourself at TEDxBrayfordPool
Voted Runner Up SUNDRIED Health Blog Of the Year
Began delivering talks and workshops at UK Schools, Colleges & Businesses
Won the Active Lincolnshire Active Change Award
Elected Service User Governor for Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Started Run Talk Run Lincoln
Delivered more talks and workshops at UK Schools, Colleges & Businesses
Ran the Virgin Money London Marathon
Joined the Brooks Run Happy Team
Authored and published Surviving The War Against Yourself with my incredible wife
Qualified as a Leader in Running Fitness (LiRF) through Athletics England
Continued delivering talks and workshops at UK Schools, Colleges & Businesses
The Pennine Run
Help more people experience running for mental and physical health
Expand to deliver talks and workshops with Schools, Colleges, Businesses & Organisations world wide to raise mental and physical health awareness
